Artificial Intelligence and Smart System Research Lab
Artificial Intelligence and
Smart System Research Lab

Music Rhythm Segmentation

JAN. 2022 – JUNE 2022

Music Source Separation

OCT. 2021 – FEB. 2022

Music genre calssification

DEC. 2020 – SEP. 2021

Plant Disease Classification

OCT. 2020 – MARCH 2021

Music Video Affective Computing (Unsupervised)

SEP. 2020 – JAN. 2021

Music Video Affective Computing (Supervised)

SEP. 2020 – JAN. 2021
  • Article title:Deep-Learning-Based Multimodal Emotion Classification for Music Videos.[SCIE Journal]
  • Music video emotion classification dataset (Inproved and Extended version)
  • Ablation study on unimodla and multimodal using music, video and facial expression.
  • Network complexity reduction using novel channel and filter separable convolution.
  • Train time information sharing and boosting modules.
  • End-to-end training, better result on visual and statistical analysis.
  • Puplished on Sensorsin July, 2021

Facemask States Detection

NOV. 2020 – JAN. 2021
  • Article title:Deep Learning Based Face Mask Status Detection for COVID-19.[Conference]
  • Semi-automatic visual object labeling tool
  • Facemask detection dataset with three cass categories of with mask, without mask and wrong weared mask.
  • Mask detetion using Faster-RCNN, Cascade FRCNN, FPN and Cascade FPN.
  • Comparision, visualization and analysis of sustem ability and applications.
  • Puplished on ICMLT Conferencein April 2021

Sound Event Labeling Tool

DEC. 2019 – SEP. 2020
  • Article title:A Semi-automatic Sound Annotation Tool for Audio/Video data.[SCIE Journal]
  • Semi-automatic sound event annotation tool using audio and video as input.
  • Automatic event detector is used to detect the audio event.
  • Based on the automatic detector result, an human annotation have to refine the annotation boundary.
  • Easy to use, better audio visualization, python based and output in easy CSV data file.
  • Diversified annotation tool for any rare sound event.
  • Puplished on Livestock Sciencein Feb. 2022

Music Source Seperation

JUNE 2020 – NOV. 2020
  • Article title:Parallel Stacked Hourglass Network for Music Source Separation.[SCIE Journal]
  • Prepared Korean traditional song (Pansori) dataset with 3 sources.
  • Korean traditional music Pansori dataset, MIR-1K dataset, and DSD100 dataset used in experiment.
  • Proposed a novel parallel stacked hourglass network (PSHN) with multiple band spectrograms.
  • Ablation study on proposed and past architecture.
  • State-of-art result.
  • Puplished on IEEE Accessin Nov. 2020

CNN Based Sound Event Detection in Cowshed

DEC. 2019 – SEP. 2020

Cow Sound Event Localization and Classification

DEC. 2019 – SEP. 2020
  • Article title:Visual Object Detector for Cow Sound Event Detection[SCIE Journal]
  • Cow sound event detection dataset with 4 class categories.
  • CNN used for sound event detection using Cow sound dataset and UrbanSound8K dataset.
  • Visual object detection architecture (F-RCNN, CF-RCNN, FPN, C-FPC) used for audio event detection (in Log Mel-Spectrogram).
  • Compare the proposed CNN and Visual object detection architecture using three test dataset.
  • Puplished on IEEE Accessin Sep. 2020

Music-Video Emotion Classification

JAN. 2019 – SEP. 2019

Music Video Emotion Analysis

DEC. 2018 – MARCH 2019

Domestic Cat Sound Classification

DEC. 2017 – SEP. 2018

Domestic Cat Sound Classification using Transfer Learning

DEC. 2017 – MARCH 2018